
I don’t understand…


My entire life the

study of all things


science related…

has been the norm

accepted as truth…

as fact…

as a true discipline…

for all students


Why? Now…

do certain politicos

suddenly call science

a myth…

a fantasy…

something not to

be believed…



When did it all

go wrong that


learning in general…

being well-educated…

curious about the

world around us

become something

the Extreme Right…

the UltraConservatives

now debunk and

call fake?


They are the ones

not living in


the real world…

that is ever-changing



How can some foolish


white men want

to take us…


My Country…

back to the dark

ages and try to

convince everyone

they are correct?


They will be

surprised when the

melting polar ice

caps lap at their feet

in their delusional

Ivory Towers…


Copyright © 2015 Annie – Original Poetry
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie

Today’s prompt was to write a science poem…